Earth Surface Features


      Earth Surface Features

The features of the surface are the results of creative and destructive forces. Creative powers cause the land to grow. The eruption of a replacement volcano creates a replacement landform. The destructive powers affect the shapes. Slow processes of mechanical and chemical weathering and erosion beat time to rework high mountains into smooth flat plateaus.

🔹Continents are large land areas that reach from high mountains to the ocean level.

🔹The ocean bottom expands from the sides of the continents right down to the ocean level in slopes and deep trenches.


The oldest continental rocks are billions of years old, so continents have many time for things to happen. Constructive forces cause physical features on the surface of the world referred to as land. Crustal deformation - when the crust compresses, breaks apart, or slides off the opposite crust - leads to hills, valleys, and other landforms. Mountains rise when continents collide, when one slab of oceanic crust falls beneath another or a slab of continental crust to make a series of volcanoes. Sediments are deposited to make sediments like landforms.

Volcanic eruptions also can be destructive forces that pan landforms. Destructive powers of weathering and weathering modify landforms. Water, wind, ice and gravity are important forces of abrasion . The scene is within the East African rift where the crust is being separated to make an outsized valley.

What are the characteristics that result from creative powers? Volcanoes are formed within the valley by rising magma.

What are the characteristics that result from destructive powers? Volcanic eruptions or collapse have destroyed the volcanic mountains to make craters. Fractures caused by cracks within the valley are indications that the valley is diverging. The currents are drifting downward within the slopes of the volcano. Landslide erupts standing volcano. A landslide trail appears to the left of the tiny , very steep volcanic cone near the middle of the image, and therefore the landslide has traveled outward from the deposited trail.

Ocean Besin

The valleys of the ocean are all smaller than 180 million years. Although oceanic basins begin where the ocean meets the land, the continent spreads downward toward the ocean, therefore the continental gap consists of continental crust. The ocean bottom isn't completely flat on its own. the foremost quality is that the range that passes through much of the ocean basin, referred to as the ridge of the mid-ocean. The deepest locations of the ocean are the trenches of the ocean, many of which lie along the Pacific . Chains of volcanoes also are found within the center of the oceans, like within the airspace. Plain plains are found on the bottom floor, whose features are covered with soil.

Changing Earth

The surface of the world changes within the short and future . New features are formed by volcanic activity or uplift of the crust thanks to compositional forces. Existing landforms are modified by destructive forces, maybe even erased by water, wind, ice, and gravity. Under the oceans, volcanic activity creates new seashores, while old seashores are destroyed in trenches.


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