Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, and Soil Notes



Weathering is that the breaking down of rocks. There are two sorts of weathering, Mechanical and Chemical. 

Mechanical- breaks rock without changing the make-up of the rock. 

Chemical- breaks rock and does change the make-up of a rock by changing the minerals. 

Examples of mechanical weathering: 

-plant/tree roots breaking through rock

- ice wedging (freezing and thawing)

- abrasion (wind or water carries sediment and his against rock, breaking rock down) exfoliation/pressure release (rock expands and contracts causing outer layer to crack and fall off) burrowing animals ( animals obtain rock and expose it to weathering also as hack rock with their claws) 

Examples of chemical weathering: 

-acid rain (gases from industrial pollution also as volcanic eruptions mix clouds forming a weak acid)

-water pulling minerals through permeable rock (causes stalactites stalagmites)

-oxidation (water oxygen, and metal combine and form rust)

-acid from plant root decay (plant roots or leaves and mosses deteriorate rock during this sort of chemical weathering). 

The more area exposed, the faster weathering happens. 

Erosion- is that the movement of rocks, sediment, and/or soil.

The main agents of abrasion are wind, water, ice, and gravity.

Deposition is just where sediments stop moving, or are deposited.

Weathering and erosion are liable for beautiful natural sculptures like the Grand Canyon . This took many years to make by the weathering and erosion of the Colorado river.

Many rocks are permeable. this suggests water can undergo the rock.

There are many sorts of soil. Some soil is little and soft to the touch, while others are large grained and coarse to the touch.

The types of soil are : clay, silt, sand. and gravel. Clay is that the softest and holds the foremost water while gravel is that the coarsest, and holds the smallest amount water.

Deposition is liable for the build from land like deltas.

Deposition drops rock and sediment in its final resting space to create up land.

In rivers, when the water flows more slowly because it approaches the ocean stumped level, it'll deposit large amounts of sediment forming land build ups like deltas.

Erosion has some ways of movement. Movement by wind like hurricanes, tornadoes, and regular high speed winds; Movement by water like by rivers, streams, tributaries, waterfalls, and ocean waves; Movement by ice like glaciers. Glaciers leave U shaped valleys as against rivers forming V shaped valleys. and eventually , movement by gravity like landslides, mudslides, and slumps.

Soil is formed of weathered rock, mineral fragments, decayed organic material, water, and air.

Soil formation is suffering from climate, rock type, vegetation type, slope of land, and time.

Humus is that the very dark and rich a part of soil that's made mostly of litter and other organic material. this is often what topsoil is usually made from . Topsoil is extremely fertile.

Soil is weakened into 3 horizons: A horizon, B Horizon, and C Horizon.

The Horizons form within the following order: C is first, then A, then as A leaches its nutrients into B, B forms. Leaching is when the nutrients leak into the opposite horizons.

Underneath all of the soil Horizons is what we call Bedrock. this is often the rock material that gets weathered to make soil.

Soil may be a valuable resource. we'd like to form sure it's not wasted, and is taken care of. We call this conservation .

Several methods to conserve soil are : Terracing, no till farming or conservation plowing, contour farming/plowing, crop rotation, wind breaks and wind barriers.
weathering, erosion and deposition pdf

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