Name of mineral in Dungarpur



Dungarpur features a wealthy assemblage of minerals. The vital one area unit soaprock, fluorite, inexperienced marble, basemetal etc.


Occurrences of copper area unit found close to padar-ki-pal, Amjera, Dewal, Methali, Odenetc. The state department of mines & earth science meted out elaborated investigation at padar-ki-pal estimating concerning one million t reserves of copper. little occurrences were seen at alternative places.


The largest fluor deposits within the state area unit placed in mandoki-pal, areas during this district. alternative vital localities area unit kahila Remore, Mata Bhagat, Rahatwali Thurwali, Umeria, Singhwali and Nawagaon. State department meted out the prospecting within the serves in mando-ki-pal and a couple of.5 Lacks tones in kahila space. The deposit is being strip-mined by Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corporation. fluor is employed as flux in scientific discipline of iron and Al. Acid grade fluor is employed manufacture of Hydro-Fluoric acid that is later utilized in glass and chemical industries.


There area unit four vital soaprock belts within the district. soaprock happens in pockets and lenses related to immoderate basic rocks and conjointly related to the rock sedimentary rock. the vital localities area unit Dewal, Jakol, Thana, Rohanwara, Pipoloda, Sabli Munger, Padar, Amjera, Parsola, Bharkubdi Sarkan, Surata-ki-pal, Devpur-i-I, Devpur-II, Patanpura Solaj etc. it's utilized in cosmetics, refractories, paper & paint, chemical and pesticide industries.


Crysotile type of amphibole is found periodically close to Dewal, Jadol, Gokulpura etc. Villages related to immoderate basic rocks. Tremilite varriety is additionally type fairly viable deposits.


Serpentine rocks area unit being miend as inexperienced marble close to Dewal, Surata, Dachki, Hirata, Simalwara,PadlaJani,Jaspur Bhatoan Ka etc. Villages. The marble takes smart polish and has smart market.


Crystalline pink-grey-white sedimentary rock happiness to Aravali Super cluster happens in 2 belts in Dugarpur district close to sabla, Mungar, Harwar etc. villages. close to sabla lime stone belt runs for a strike lenght concerning 17-18 Kms from Rama in north to bhatole in south. The breadth varies from one hundred to a thousand mts. sedimentary rock of this belt is crystaline, pink and off white in color. preliminary investigations meted out by the department partially of space indicated concerning fifteen million tonnes reserve containing forty to five hundredth CaO, a pair of to four-dimensional MgO, and eight to eighteen SiO2 The sedimentary rock takes smart polish and might be used as marble. Another sedimentary rock band of concerning one metric linear unit length and fifty to 100mts. breadth happens close to Harwar, Nithuwa villages. it's off white to grey in color con coaching forty eight to fifty CaO, five to 100% SiO2 and fewer then a pair of MgO. it's conjointly being employed as marble.


There area unit giant Occurrences of slates and phyllites that area unit being strip-mined at places to be used as building stone. Phyllites area unit excavated close to Rampura, Denandi, Baramagra etc.The State department of mines geology has been carring out mineral survey programmes within the district often. Notable findings area unit deposits of base mental and fluor besides small occurrences of cyanite, mineral soaprock and etc. Te district may be a major producer of soaprock and snakelike marble.

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