Azurite : Physical Properties of Mineral,Uses


What's Azurite?


Azurite is a bobby carbonate hydroxide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu2(CO3)2(OH)2. It's best known for its characteristic deep blue to violet-blue color. The blue color, known as"azure,"is like the deep blue evening skies frequently seen above comeuppance and downtime geographies.

Azurite isn't a common or abundant mineral, but it's beautiful and its blue color attracts attention. It has been used by people in numerous corridor of the world for thousands of times. Ancient people used it as an ore of bobby, as a color, as a rock, and as an cosmetic gravestone. It's still used for all of these purposes moment.


Fig. 1 Azurite

Geologic Circumstance

Azurite is a secondary mineral that generally forms when carbon-dioxide-laden waters descend into the Earth and reply with subterranean bobby ores. The carbonic acid of these waters dissolves small quantities of bobby from the ore. The dissolved bobby is transported with the water until it reaches a new geochemical terrain. This new terrain could be a position where water chemistry or temperature changes, or where evaporationoccurs.However, the mineral azurite might form, If conditions areright.However, a significant accumulation of azurite might develop, If these conditions persist for a long time. This has passed in numerous corridor of the world.


Azurite rush occurs in severance spaces, fractures, and depressions of the subterranean gemstone. The performing azurite is generally massive or nodular. In rare situations, azurite is plant as stalactitic and botryoidal growths. Well- formed monoclinic chargers are rarely plant. These can only do if azurite precipitates unrestricted in a fracture or depression and isn't disintegrated by latterly crystallization or gemstone movements.

Malachite is another bobby carbonate mineral that forms under conditions analogous to azurite. These minerals are frequently plant in the same deposit and are frequently intergrown with one another. This produces a material known as azurmalachite, which, when of high quality, can be used as a beautiful lapidary material.


In the United States, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah are the notable locales for chancing azurite. More important deposits have been plant in France and Namibia. Noteworthy circumstances have been plant in Mexico, Chile, Australia, Russia, and Morocco.

Fig. 2 Azurite


Physical Parcels of Azurite

The most individual property of azurite is it distinctive deep blue color. It's also soft with a Mohs hardness of only3.5 to 4. It contains bobby, which gives its blue color and a specific graveness of3.7 to3.9, which is exceptionally high for anon-metallic mineral. Azurite is a carbonate mineral and produces a slight effervescence with dilute hydrochloric acid, producing a light blue liquid. Azurite produces a light blue band on unglazed demitasse.


Physical Properties of Azurite

Chemical Classification



Deep blue to violet blue; "azure"


Light blue


Vitreous, earthy


Opaque, translucent, transparent


Two distinct directions, one perfect, one poor

Mohs Hardness

3.5 to 4

Specific Gravity

3.7 to 3.9

Diagnostic Properties

Deep blue color, effervescence in dilute HCl, high specific gravity, low hardness.

Chemical Composition

Copper carbonate. Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2

Crystal System



Minor ore of copper, gem material, ornamental stone, pigment.


Uses of Azurite

While azurite isn't an extremely abundant mineral and is infrequently plant in large deposits, it has been used in a number of ways. Some of these are explained below.


Bobby Prospecting and Mining

Geologists know that abundant azurite is frequently plant in the jewels above deposits of bobby ore. That enables them to use azurite as an index mineral in the hunt for subterranean bobby deposits. The presence of abundant azurite indicates the possibility of chancing some form of bobby ore below, hard, or up a contemporary or ancient hydraulic grade.

Azurite has been used as an ore of bobby essence for thousands of times. The ancient Egyptians booby-trapped it on the Sinai Peninsula and smelted it to produce bobby. Moment, azurite deposits on their own are generally not large enough to be worth opening a bobby mine. Where other bobby ores are booby-trapped, azurite might be removed if it's of acceptable grade and easy to mine.

Fig. 4 Azurite

Jewelry and Ornamental Stone

Azurite is easy to cut and shape into gemstones, globules, small busts, and beautifiers. It also accepts a bright polish. Unfortunately, azurite has problems that limit its use in jewelry. The topmost concern is the fact that azurite has a Mohs hardness of just 3.5 to 4.0. It also is brittle and can break along fractionalization aeroplanes. This lack of continuity makes it fluently damaged if used in a ring, cuff, or other jewelry item that's subject to bruise.

Azurite also sluggishly weathers to malachite. This results in a lightening and greening of the rock's deep blue color. Store azurite jewelry in darkness, down from heat, and where air rotation is limited. This might be in a unrestricted jewelry box or hole.


Azurite jewelry is delicate to clean. A gentle cleaning with a soft damp cloth or with cool adulatory water is stylish. Abrasive cleansers or inordinate cleaning will damage the gravestone. Ultrasonic and brume cleaning can beget damage.

Still, the repairs should be done in a way that doesn't toast the gravestone, If jewelry containing azurite needs repairs. Hydroxide minerals are veritably sensitive to heat. Heating will beget azurite to green or blacken.


Azurite is infrequently treated to enhance its color. Still, it's constantly treated with resins and other substances that macerate and stabilize the rough. Important of the affordable material vended as"azurite"is a compound made of crushed azurite in a binder of resin or other substance. Frequently, chrysocolla, malachite, or other minerals are blended in.

An intriguing cosmetic gravestone plant near the border between China and Pakistan has lately appeared in the lapidary request. It's a white determinedness with balls of bright blue azurite dispersed through the gravestone. Utmost people who see it originally suppose that it's fake, but it can be sawn to reveal round azurite areas outside, andx-ray diffraction reveals azurite. This azurite determinedness is generally called"K2 determinedness"after the alternate-loftiest mountain in the world, because the gemstone was first discovered near the base of the mountain.


Azurite Colors

Azurite was ground and used as a color in blue makeup as early as ancient Egypt. Through time, its use came much more common. During the Middle Periods and Renaissance, it was the most important blue color used in Europe. Important of the azurite used to make the color was booby-trapped in France.


Making color from azurite was expensive. During the Middle Periods it was delicate to mine, transportation was slow, and grinding and recycling were slow and delicate. Azurite color was gradationally replaced, starting in the 18th century, when man- made colors similar as “Prussian blue “and" blue verditer"were constructed. These synthetic colors are standardized products with invariant parcels. That makes them predictable in their use. They're also less expensive to produce.

Numerous oils done during the Middle Periods, before azurite was replaced with Prussian blue, show deterioration of the blue color. Over time and exposure to the atmosphere and light, azurite sluggishly weathers to malachite. Important of the blue azurite color used during the Middle Periods now shows egregious signs of green malachite as a riding product. This is another reason why man- made colors are now used rather of azurite. Azurite color and maquillages are still available moment and are easy to find. But they're substantially used by painters who want to employ literal styles in their work.


Mineral Collecting

Azurite is popular with mineral collectors. They appreciate its deep blue monoclinic chargers, nodular habit with intriguing structures, and representative exemplifications of its botryoidal and stalactitic habits. Excellent samples can vend for hundreds, thousands, or knockouts of thousands of bones depending upon their quality and size.


The insecurity of azurite is a problem forcollectors.However, instance shells will begin to ride to malachite, if exposed to heat or high moisture. This causes a dull, faded or greenish appearance depending upon the inflexibility of revision. Valuable samples are stylish stored in unrestricted collection snuggeries where there's limited air rotation, darkness, and cool, stable temperatures.

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