Glacier : Complete Notes



Slow- moving gutters of ice, glaciers have carved mountains and sculpted denes throughout Earth's history. They continue to flow and shape the geography in numerous places moment. But glaciers affect much further than jewels.


Glacier melt delivers nutrients into lakes, gutters, and abysses. Those nutrients can drive blooms of phytoplankton — the base of submarine and marine food chains. Meanwhile, gradational glacier melt sustains sluice territories for shops and creatures. So, glaciers frequently have a circular impact on wildlife and fisheries.


In some regions, glaciers give life-sustaining water for people as well as wildlife. For case, the Amu Darya, a major swash in Central Asia, derives part of its water force from glacier melt. Equaled over the time, that melt accounts for only 8 percent of periodic swash inflow, but it accounts for 27 percent of swash inflow in late summer, when snow melt provides fairly little water.



Glaciers also impact ocean position. The cryosphere consists of all the places on Earth where water is firmed including snow, ocean ice, ice wastes, and glaciers. Of these, glaciers presently contribute the most to ocean position rise.


All About Glaciers is a glacier point with commodity for everyone, from grade academy scholars to professional glaciologists. It explores nearly all aspects of glaciers, the data, the data, and the wisdom, including a gallery and much further.

SSC CHSL Tier 1st Result & Exam Date 2021

What is a Glacier?

Glaciers are made up of fallen snow that, over multitudinous times, compresses into large, thickened ice millions. Glaciers form when snow remains in one position long enough to transform into ice. What makes glaciers unique is their capability to inflow. Due to sheer mass, glaciers flow like truly slow gutters. Some glaciers are as small as football fields, while others grow to be dozens or indeed hundreds of kilometers long. Presently, glaciers enthrall about 10 percent of the world's total land area, with utmost located in Polar Regions like Antarctica, Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic. Glaciers can be allowed of as remnants from the last Ice Age, when ice covered nearly 32 percent of the land, and 30 percent of the abysms. Utmost glaciers lie within mountain ranges that show validation of an important lower extent during the ice ages of the formerly two million times, and more recent suggestions of retreat in the formerly numerous centuries. An ice cap is a bean- shaped glacier mass flowing in all directions, analogous as the ice cap on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic. An ice distance is a bean- shaped glacier mass exceeding square kilometers. The world's ice wastes are confined to Greenland and Antarctica.


How are Glaciers formed?

Glaciers begin to form when snow remains in the same area time- round, where enough snow accumulates to transfigure into ice. Each time, new layers of snow bury and compress the former layers. This contraction forces the snow tore-crystallize, forming grains analogous in size and shape to grains of sugar. Gradationally the grains grow larger and the air pockets between the grains get lower, causing the snow to sluggishly compact and increase in viscosity. After about a time, the snow turns into firn — an intermediate state between snow and glacier ice. At this point, it's about two-thirds as thick as water. Over time, larger ice chargers come so compressed that any air pockets between them are veritably bitsy. In veritably old glacier ice, chargers can reach several elevations in length. For utmost glaciers, this process takes further than a hundred times.



Why do they move?

The sheer weight of a thick sub caste of ice, or the force of graveness on the ice mass, causes glaciers to flow veritably sluggishly. Ice is a soft material, in comparison to gemstone, and is much more fluently misshaped by this grim pressure of its own weight. Ice may flow down mountain denes, addict out across plains, or in some locales, spread out onto the ocean. Movement along the under part of a glacier is slower than movement at the top due to the disunion with the beginning ground's face. Where the base of the glacier is veritably cold, the movement at the bottom can be a bitsy bit of the speed of inflow at the face.



Occasionally a glacier slides over a thin water sub caste at the glacier's base. The water may affect from glacial melt driven by pressure of the overlying ice, or from water working its way through glacier cracks to the base. Glaciers can also slide on a soft, watery deposition bed. This rudimentary sliding may regard for utmost of the movement of thin, cold glaciers on steep pitches. Warm, thick glaciers on gentle pitches owe lower of their movement to rudimentary sliding.


Glaciers periodically retreat or advance, depending on the quantum of snow accumulation or evaporation or melt that occurs. This retreat and advance refers only to the position of the boundary, or conk, of the glacier. Indeed as it retreats, the glacier still deforms and moves down slope, like a conveyor belt. In other words, a retreating glacier doesn't flow uphill; it simply melts faster than it flows.


Alternately, glaciers may launch, contending forward several measures per day for weeks or indeed months. In 1986, the Hubbard Glacier in Alaska surged at the rate of 10 measures (32 bases) per day across the mouth of Russell Fjord. In only two months, the glacier had dammed water in the cove and created a lake.


What are the factors of a Glacier?

Glaciers are dynamic, and several rudiments contribute to glacier conformation and growth. Snow falls in the accumulation area, generally the part of the glacier with the loftiest elevation, adding to the glacier's mass. As the snow sluggishly accumulates and turns to ice, and the glacier increases in weight, the weight begins to distort the ice, forcing the glacier to flow upwardly. Further down the glacier, generally at a lower altitude, is the ablation area, where utmost of the melting and evaporation do. Between these two areas a balance is reached, where snowfall equals snowmelt, and the glacier is in equilibrium. Whenever this equilibrium is disturbed, either by increased snowfall or by inordinate melting, the glacier either advances or retreats at further than its normal pace.


Several visible features are common to utmost glaciers. At locales where a glacier flows fleetly, disunion creates giant cracks called crevasses, which may make trip across a glacier unfaithful. Other common glacial features are moraines, created when the glacier pushes or carries rocky debris as it moves. These long, dark bands of debris are visible on top and along the edges of glaciers. Medium moraines run down the middle of a glacier, side moraines along the sides, and terminal moraines are plant at the boundary, or conk, of a glacier. Occasionally one glacier flows into another, creating concerted wider moraines. Frequently these direct deposits of jewels are left before, nearly complete, after the ice in a glacier has melted down. Studying these rocky debris remnants, and the sediments that were formerly beneath the glacier, is the subject of glacial geology and topography.


The process of melt can add factors to a glacier, including supraglacial lakes (melt water face ponds) and moulins (nearly perpendicular channels formed by melt water).

Glacier mice occasionally thrive on glacial shells. These mice aren't rodents, but rather balls of moss containing bitsy ecosystems. Blobs of dust or organic debris come the capitals of glacier mice, and as the clumps are bombarded by wind, they roll around on glacier shells, gathering moss. Examinations of glacier- mice innards have plant springtails, tardigrades, and nematode worms.


Where are Glaciers located?

Utmost of the world's glacial ice is plant in Antarctica and Greenland, but glaciers are plant on nearly every mainland, indeed Africa. Because certain climatic and geographic conditions must be present for glaciers to live, they're most generally plant above snow line regions of high snowfall in downtime and cool temperatures in summer. This condition allows further snow to accumulate on the glacier in the downtime than will melt from it in the summer. This is why utmost glaciers are plant either in mountainous areas or the Polar Regions. Still, snow line occurs at different mound in Washington State the snow line is around measures (bases), while in Africa it's over measures (bases), and in Antarctica it's at ocean position. The quantum of snowfall a glacier receives is veritably important to its survival, which is why some cold regions, like Siberia, have nearly no glaciations — there isn't enough snowfall.


Glacier Map

What types of Glaciers are there?

Mountain Glaciers

These glaciers develop in high mountainous regions, frequently flowing out of ice fields that gauge several peaks or indeed a mountain range. The largest mountain glaciers are plant in Arctic Canada, Alaska, the Andes in South America, and the Himalaya in Asia.

Valley Glaciers

Generally forming from mountain glaciers or ice fields, these glaciers unmask down denes, looking much like giant speeches. Valley glaciers may be veritably long, frequently flowing down beyond the snow line, occasionally reaching ocean position.


Tidewater Glaciers

As the name implies, these are vale glaciers that flow far enough to reach out into the ocean. In some locales, dale glaciers give breeding territories for seals. Tidewater glaciers are responsible for calving multitudinous small icicles, which although not as assessing as Antarctic icicles, can still pose problems for shipping lanes.


Piedmont Glaciers

Piedmont glaciers do when steep vale glaciers unmask into fairly flat plains, where they spread out into bulb-suchlike lobes. Malaysian Glacier in Alaska is one of the most notorious exemplifications of this type of glacier, and is the largest piedmont glacier in the world. Discovering out of the Seward Ice field, Malaspina Glacier covers about square kilometers (square country miles) as it spreads across the littoral plain.


Hanging Glaciers

When a major vale glacier system retreats and thins, occasionally the tributary glaciers are left in lower denes grandly above the shrunken central glacier face. These are called hangingglaciers.However, the empty high denes are called hanging denes, If the entire system has melted and faded.

Cirque Glaciers

Circle glaciers are named for the coliseum-suchlike hollows they enthrall, which are called roundels. Generally, they're plant high on mountainsides and tend to be wide rather than long.


Ice aprons

These small, steep glaciers cleave to high mountainsides. Like circle glaciers, they're frequently wider than they're long. Ice aprons are common in the Mounts and in New Zealand, where they frequently beget avalanches due to the steep inclines they enthrall.


Rock Glaciers

Gemstone glaciers are combinations of ice and gemstone. Although these glaciers have analogous shapes and movements as regular glaciers, their ice may be confined to the glacier core, or may simply fill spaces between jewels. Rock glaciers may form when frozen ground creeps down slope. They may also accumulate ice, snow, and jewels through avalanches or landslides.


Ice caps

Ice caps are atomic ice wastes, covering lower than square kilometers (square country miles). They form primarily in polar and sub-polar regions and are lower than international-scale ice wastes.

Ice fields

Ice fields are analogous to ice caps, except that their inflow is told by the underpinning geomorphology, and they're generally lower than ice caps.


Ice streams

Ice aqueducts are large strip-suchlike glaciers set within an ice distance — they are framed by ice that's flowing more sluggishly, rather than by gemstone outcrop or mountain ranges. These huge millions of flowing ice are frequently veritably sensitive to changes similar as the loss of ice shelves at their boundary or changing quantities of water flowing beneath them. The Antarctic ice distance has numerous ice aqueducts.


Ice wastes

Plant now only in Antarctica and Greenland, ice wastes are enormous international millions of glacial ice and snow expanding over square kilometers (square country miles). The ice distance on Antarctica is over4.7 kilometers (3 country miles) thick in some areas, covering nearly all of the land features except the Transantarctic Mountains, which bag above the ice. Another illustration is the Greenland Ice Distance. In the once ice periods, huge ice wastes also covered utmost of Canada (the Laurentide Ice Distance) and Scandinavia (the Scandinavian Ice Distance), but these have now faded, leaving only a many ice caps and mountain glaciers before.



Ice shelves

Ice shelves do when ice wastes extend over the ocean and float on the water. They range from a many hundred measures to over 1 kilometer (0.62 afar) in consistence. Ice shelves compass utmost of the Antarctic mainland.

How do Glaciers affect land?

Glaciers not only transport material as they move, but they also carve and sculpt down the land beneath them. A glacier's weight, combined with its gradational movement, can drastically reshape the geography over hundreds or indeed thousands of times. The ice erodes the land face and carries the broken jewels and soil debris far from their original places, performing in some intriguing glacial terrenes.


Glacial Eorrosion

Common each over the world, melted denes is presumably the most readily visible glacial landscape. Analogous to arms, they're trough- shaped, frequently with steep near-perpendicular escarpments where entire mountainsides were trolled by glacial movement. One of the most striking exemplifications of melted denes can be seen in Yosemite National Park, where glaciers literally sheared down mountainsides, creating deep denes with perpendicular walls.


Arms, similar as those in Norway, are long, narrow littoral denes that were firstly sculpted out by glaciers. They're frequently “U-shaped,” with steep sides and rounded bottoms, giving them a trough-suchlike appearance. Once the glaciers retreated, seawater covered the bottom of the glacial trough to produce arms.

The notorious Matterhorn in Switzerland displays three types of glacial corrosion


Roundels are created when glaciers erode the mountainside, combing into it and creating rounded hollows with steep uphill faces, shaped like tilted coliseums. A circle is frequently more visible after the glacier melts down and leaves the coliseum- shaped landscape behind.

Arêtes are jagged, narrow crests created where the aft walls of two glaciers meet, eroding the crest on both sides.

Cornucopias are created when several circle glaciers erode a mountain until all that's left is a steep, pointed peak with sharp, crest-suchlike arêtes leading up to the top.


Glacial Landscape

Arms, melted denes, and cornucopias are all erosional types of terrenes, created when a glacier cuts down at the geography. Other types of glacial terrenes are created by the features and sediments left before after a glacier retreats.


When glaciers retreat, they frequently deposit large mounds of till clay, small jewels, beach, and slush. It's made from the gemstone and soil that was base up beneath the glacier as it moved.


Material a glacier picks up or pushes as it moves forms moraines along the face and sides of the glacier. As a glacier retreats, the ice literally melts down from underneath the moraines, so they leave long, narrow crests that show where the glacier used to be. Glaciers don't always leave moraines before, still, because occasionally the glacier’s own melt water washes the material down.


Aqueducts flowing from glaciers frequently carry some of the gemstone and soil debris out with them. These aqueducts deposit the debris as they flow. Accordingly, after numerous times, small steep-sided mounds of soil and clay begin to form conterminous to the glacier, called kames. Eskers are mooching crests of clay that were likely deposited by gutters flowing on top of glaciers, through glacial cracks, and/ or in coverts under glaciers. Because glacier ice comprised the banks of these gutters, and that ice ultimately melted down, the clay deposited by the old gutters is now elevated above the girding land shells.


Kettle lakes form when a piece of glacier ice breaks off and becomes buried by glacial till or moraine deposits. Over time, the ice melts, leaving a small depression in the land, filled with water. Kettle lakes are generally veritably small, more like ponds than lakes.


Glaciers leave behind anything they pick up along the way, and occasionally this includes huge jewels. Called glacial erratics or erratic boulders, these jewels might feel a little eschewal of place, which is true, because glaciers have literally moved them far down from their source before melting out from underneath them.


Drumlins are long, gash- drop- shaped sedimentary conformations. What caused drumlins to form is inadequately understood, but scientists believe that they were created sub glacially as the ice wastes moved across the geography during the colorful ice periods. Propositions suggest that drumlins might have been formed as glaciers scraped up deposition from the beginning ground face, or from corrosion or deposit of deposition by glacial melt water, or some combination of these processes. Because the till, beach, and clay that form drumlins are deposited and shaped by glacier movement, all drumlins created by a particular glacier face the same direction, running parallel to the glacier's inflow. Frequently, hundreds to thousands of drumlins are plant in one place, looking veritably much like Goliath tails when seen from over.


Do Glaciers affect people?

Moment, glaciers constantly are rubberneck lodestones in mountainous areas. But glaciers are also a natural resource, and people all over the world use the melt water that glaciers produce.


Glaciers give drinking water

People living in thirsty climates near mountains constantly calculate on glacial melt for their water for part of the time. Multitudinous of the gutters coursing through China, India, and other corridor of the Asian landmass are fed largely by snowmelt from the Himalaya, but in late summer a significant part of river flow comes from melting glaciers. In South America, dwellers of La Paz, Bolivia, calculate on glacial melting from a near ice cap to give water during the significant dry spells they sometimes substantiation.

Demand for glacier water has increased in other, perhaps less awaited ways, too. Some drink companies sell bottles of glacial melt water, and ice cells made of glacier ice are popular in some specialty drinks. In fact, a Chilean man was arrested in 2012 for stealing five tons of ice from the Jorge Montt Glacier. He would planned to sell the ice to caffs in the capital, Santiago.

Glaciers wash crops

Over a thousand times agone, farmers in Asia knew that dark colors absorb solar energy. So they spread dark-varicolored paraphernalia analogous as soil and ashes over snow to promote melting, and this is how they doused their crops during dry periods. Chinese and Russian researchers tried commodity similar by sprinkling coal dust onto glaciers, hoping that the melting will give water to the failure-stricken countries of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The trial proved to be too precious, and they have abandoned the idea. But in Latah, India, an architect has successfully created several small, artificial glaciers to give farther water for crops and drinking during seasonal dry periods. These man- made glaciers are deposited in areas to catch large amounts of water that would differently flow down, and will have temperatures low enough to indurate that water over the time-out. Warm summer downfall slowly melts these glaciers, releasing a steady force of water.

In Switzerland's Rhone Valley, farmers have irrigated their crops for hundreds of times by channeling melt water from glaciers to their fields.

Glaciers help induce Hydroelectric Power

Scientists and engineers in Norway, central Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and South America have worked together to tap into glacial resources, using electricity that has been generated in part by damming glacial melt water.


Glaciers and Climate Change

Glacial ice can range in age from several hundred to several hundreds of thousands times, making it precious for climate exploration. To see a long- term climate record, scientists can drill and prize ice cores from glaciers and ice wastes. Ice cores have been taken from around the world, including Peru, Canada, Greenland, Antarctica, Europe, and Asia. These cores are nonstop records furnishing scientists with time-by- time information about once climate. Scientists dissect colorful factors of cores, particularly trapped air bubbles, which reveal once atmospheric composition, temperature variations, and types of foliage. Glaciers save bits of atmosphere from thousands of times ago in these bitsy air bubbles, or, deeper within the core, trapped within the ice itself. This is one way scientists know that there have been several Ice Periods. Once ages can be reconstructed, showing how and why climate changed, and how it might change in the future.


Scientists are also chancing that glaciers reveal suggestions about global warming. How much does our atmosphere naturally warm up between Ice Periods? How does human exertion affect climate? Because glaciers are so sensitive to temperature oscillations accompanying climate change, direct glacier observation may help answer these questions. Since the early twentieth century, with many exceptions, glaciers around the world have been retreating at unknown rates. Some scientists attribute this massive glacial retreat to the Industrial Revolution, which began around 1760. In fact, several ice caps, glaciers and ice shelves have faded altogether in this century. Numerous further are retreating so fleetly that they may evaporate within a matter of decades.


Scientists are discovering that product of electricity using coal and petroleum, and other uses of fossil energies in transportation and assiduity, affects our terrain in ways we didn't understand ahead. Within the once 200 times or so, mortal exertion has increased the quantum of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 40 percent, and other feasts, similar as methane (natural gas) by a factor of 2 to 3 or further. These feasts absorb heat being radiated from the face of the earth, and by absorbing this heat the atmosphere sluggishly warms up. Heat- enmeshing feasts, occasionally called “ hothouse feasts,” are the cause of utmost of the climate warming and glacier retreat in the once 50 times. Still, affiliated causes, similar as increased dust and soot from grazing, husbandry, and burning of fossil energies and timbers, are also causing glacier retreat. In fact, it's likely that the foremost corridor of the recent glacier retreats in Europe were caused by soot from coal burning in the late 1800s.


As dramatic as the retreat of one glacier may be, scientists learn the most about global climate by studying numerous glaciers. The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) tracks changes in further than 100 alpine glaciers worldwide. Forty-two of those glaciers qualify as climate reference glaciers because their records gauge further than 30 times.


The WGMS reports glacier mass balance changes in millimeters of water parity. (There are25.4 millimeters in an inch.) If all the lost or gained glacial ice were converted to water and spread unevenly over glacier face area, the depth of that water sub caste is the water parity. In State of the Climate in 2018, the American Meteorological Society reported that mean periodic glacier mass balance was-921 millimeters for the 42 reference glaciers, and-951 millimeters for all glaciers covered in 2017.



Global Glacier Recession

Glaciers respond to slight but prolonged changes in climate. At least some aspects of these climate changes may be derived from compliances of glacier oscillations. This useful relationship was the base for scientific exertion beginning in the 18th and 19th centuries, and led directly to the conformation of the International Commission of Snow and Ice in 1894. The study of glacier oscillations are applicable to an understanding of climate and climate change over temporal scales from times to a century or further, and at indigenous to global spatial scales. As glaciers wax and wane, they store or release water; this" natural regulation “of runoff from glacierized areas is critical to water force and use in numerous mountain areas. This storehouse or release of water also affects global ocean position; at least one third of the observed ocean position rise in the last 100 times has come from the melting of glaciers exclusive of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Wastes. We live in a time of adding hothouse gas attention with an attendant warming of the climate. Understanding how glaciers of the world reply is vital to more defining the indigenous pattern of climate change, and to project unborn changes in water coffers and ocean position. The critical link between glaciers and climate is the glacier mass balance. Mark Dyurgerov of INSTAAR has produced a streamlined global conflation of being mass balance data aimed at perfecting our understanding of glacier- climate relations.

Data about Glaciers

1. Presently, 10 percent of land area on Earth is covered with glacial ice, including glaciers, ice caps, and the ice wastes of Greenland and Antarctica. Glacierized areas cover over 15 million square kilometers (5.8 million square country miles).


2. Glaciers store about 69 percent of the world's fresh water.


3. During the maximum point of the last ice age, glaciers covered about 32 percent of the total land area.


4. Starting around the early 14th century, and lasting to themid-19th century, the world endured a “Little Ice Age,” when temperatures were constantly cool enough for glaciers to advance in numerous areas of the world.


5. In the United States, glaciers cover over square kilometers (square country miles). Utmost of those glaciers are located in Alaska, which holds square kilometers (square country miles) of glacial ice.


6. Still, ocean position would rise roughly 70 measures (230 bases) worldwide, if all land ice melted.


7. Glacier ice chargers can grow to be as large as baseballs.


8. Glacial ice frequently appears blue when it has come veritably thick and free of bubbles. Times of contraction gradationally make the ice denser over time, forcing out the bitsy air pockets between chargers. When glacier ice becomes extremely thick, the ice absorbs a small quantum of red light, leaving a bluish shade in the reflected light, which is what we see. When glacier ice is white, that generally means that there are numerous bitsy air bubbles still in the ice.


9. North America's longest glacier is the Bering Glacier in Alaska, measuring 190 kilometers (118 country miles) long.


10. The Kutiah Glacier in Pakistan holds the record for the fastest glacial swell. In 1953, it contended further than 12 kilometers (7.5 country miles) in three months, comprising about 112 measures (367 bases) per day.


11. In Washington State, the state with the largest area of glaciers in the conterminous United States, melting glaciers give1.8 trillion liters (470 billion gallons) of water each summer.


12. The largest glacier in the world is the Lambert-Fisher Glacier in Antarctica. At 400 kilometers (250 country miles) long, and over to 100 kilometers (60 country miles) wide, this ice sluice alone rainspouts about 8 percent of the Antarctic Ice Distance.


13. Antarctic ice is over to4.7 kilometers (3 country miles) thick in some areas.


14. Antarctic ice shelves may bear icicles that are over 80 kilometers (50 country miles) long.


15. The Antarctic mainland has been at least incompletely covered by an ice distance for the once 40 million times.


16. The land underneath corridor of the West Antarctic Ice Distance may be over to2.5 kilometers (1.6 country miles) below ocean position.

SSC CHSL Tier 1st Result & Exam Date 2021

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