How Petrologists Study Rocks?


As a sub discipline of geology, petrology seeks to understand the nature of jewels and their origin. Once Gemstone- forming processes in dynamic geologic systems are recorded in the observable gemstone product — its field relations, Fabric and composition. Occasionally, petrologists approach the cause- effect, process- product correspondence.In the contrary way by creating models or doing trials bluffing gemstone- forming, or petrolography, systems and also making comparisons with parcels of real jewels. 

Geologists against the rocks in the canyon

Geologists against the rocks in the canyon

In their attempts to understand the origin of jewels and explain how the substantially inapproachable Earth has worked through billions of times of geologic history recorded in jewels, petrologists theorize, using paper and-pencil and computer models, and trial, using simple model magmatic systems in the laboratory. In his presidential address to the Geochemical Society in 1969, James B. Thompson, Jr. (1970) had this to say regarding petrology.

We who are concerned with similar (petrologic) matters fall substantially in one or further of three orders 

(1) those that collect jewels and study them; 

(2) those who try to duplicate jewels in the laboratory; and 

(3) those that worry about jewels. All three angles, the experimental, the experimental, and the theoretical should easily be integrated in a healthy wisdom. 

Description as an end in itself is sterile, trials that answer unsolicited questions are inapplicable, and proposition unbounded by fact is useless. Proposition, at its stylish, is in numerous ways a link between the other two. Good proposition can therefore be used to interpret or reinterpret the results of observation in order to ask more significant questions of Trial and vice versa.

Petrologists study jewels as illuminative chroniclers who try to “break” or explain geologic problems and mystifications. They consider and try to answer abecedarian questions, similar as the following.

1.Where and how did a particular magma appear?

2. How was the magma transported from its source and placed where the magmatic gemstone is now plant?

3. What physical, chemical, and thermal processes operated on the gemstone- forming system during crystallization?

4. What were the nature of the gemstone previous to metamorphism and its history of distortion and crystallization?

5. How do petrologic processes control elaboration of the crust and relate to global monumental setting?

6. How can ultramodern petro tectonic associations are used to infer monumental processes and administrations in ancient jewels?

7. How did the earth Earth appear and evolve?

8. What's the effect of petrologic processes on our society and life in general?


The intent of this text is to give a background sufficient to begin to answer these petrologic questions, and numerous others of a more specificnature.Interpretations of the origin of jewels, or petro genesis, must be grounded on accurate petrographic data (modal composition and fabric) as well as field, chemical, isotopic, experimental, and theoretical data.

Petrology has come a global wisdom that's chancing adding integration into other fields of Earth wisdom.

An understanding of petrology leads to a better understanding of how the Earth works.

In his presidential address to the Mineralogical Society of America, Peter Robinson (1991, p. 1781) said;


In petrologic studies... the compliances that are possible are conditioned by the experience and training of the bystander. Petrologic exploration is an attempt to define the sequence of events in the conformation of the jewels, the conditions under which the events happed, and why they happed. Petrology can noway be completely quantitative, i.e., “getting figures out of jewels”... experimental and descriptive petrography from the infinitesimal through the bitsy and macroscopic to the petrologic chart scale (are essential in) furnishing the frame for interpretations.

Careful observation and innovative ways of allowing about jewels can lead to new discoveries and capsize established dogma. That an interpretation is espoused by recognized experts is no guarantee of its validity. Continual reassessment and well- proved review of established trueness make for better wisdom. Petrology at the dawn of the 21st century is a vibrant, dynamic discipline in which unsolved problems and difficulties pullulate. Multitudinous mystifications remain to be explained and resolved. Numerous haven't indeed been discovered!

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